AlumierMD Chemical Peels.

Medical grade Chemical Skin Peels are an excellent way of treating difficult skin concerns as well as an ongoing skin care routine.

Great skin never goes out of fashion.


What is a chemical peel?

Unlike mechanical exfoliation which physically smooths and lifts dead skin cells off the skin, chemical exfoliants found in chemical peels lower the pH of the skin toward acidic. This acid environment dissolves specific skin components depending on the peel depth.

What to expect..

Superficial to medium depth peels are known for exceptional results and safety profile. We believe in repeated treatments for progressive results and to avoid the downtime associated with deeper peels.

Chemical peels encourage exfoliation by sloughing off dead skin cells, forcing the body to quickly replenish them with new cells. When peels are performed regularly the skin gets used to this process and begins to rejuvenate itself like younger skin. To be sure the body doesn’t react as it would to trauma, which could lead to pigment changes, exfoliation must be introduced gradually.


  • No. We use Medical grade products that give you clinically driven results with no downtime. After an AlumierMD chemical peel your skin will look glowing and dewy.

  • Depending on the skin concern this is different for everyone. However, for good skin maintenance we recommend leaving 4 weeks between each peel.

  • Yes! Chemical peels are great for getting rid of hyperpigmentation. We will often recommend prescription home care products alongside in-clinic treatments to accelerate the results.

  • We give you a prescription post procedure kit that has everything you need to look after your skin 7 days after your peel.

    Avoid make up for 24 hours after your peel and Retinols 7 days prior and post peel.